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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I have to download the app or can I use it on the computer?
A. No you do not have to download the app. You can use all the functions just as well on your computer.

Q. What if I don't have a computer or smartphone?
A. We will still communicate to you in the same way we always have, it would just be good to make sure your details are all up to date.

Q. How do I know the data is held securely?
A. Please be assured that all your data is secured securely in ChurchSuite's UK data centres, using the latest data encryption technologies. St Stephen’s church will never disclose your personal data to a third party, and your details will only ever be used for the purposes of church ministry.

Q. Who else can see my data?
A. Only staff members that need to communicate with you will have access to your data.

Q. What do the communication and privacy settings mean?
A. The communication settings allow us to use your mobile and email to communicate with you. It would be helpful to have this turned on.
The privacy settings are not relevant at the moment as we have disabled the ability for anyone other than staff members to see your contact details. You can ignore these settings.

Q. I can't see all my children. Why is this?
A. Please get in touch with the church office (email: office@ststephensw12.org) with their details and we will add them

Q. I want to change my children's details. How do I do this?
A. You can easily edit your child's details within ChurchSuite, by clicking on the pencil icon to edit your details.

Q. What are the photo and video consent settings for my children?
A. Our safeguarding policy does not allow us to photograph or video your child unless you have given us permission through ChurchSuite. Please check these settings and make sure you are happy.

Q. Do I need to enter all my children's medical details?
A. Only if there is something the church needs to be aware of (e.g. allergies etc.)

Q. Can my child get access to My ChurchSuite?
A. Not at the moment. Our safeguarding policy does not allow children access to ChurchSuite.

Q. What if I do not want my children in the system?
A. We intend to use ChurchSuite in the future for Sunday group registrations. If your child's details are not in the system, we will have to register them as a visitor each time, so we recommend that you allow us to keep your child's details securely in the system.

Q. How do I swap on the app?
A. To swap within ChurchSuite, follow these simple instructions:

  • Click on 'my Rota' and then click on the rota in which you want to make a swap.

  • Scroll down to the date you want to swap and click on the three dots next to your name and click on 'Organise swap'

  • You can then select the person you wish to swap with, and whether or not you want to return the swap (the drop down menu will give you a list of dates to choose from if you want to do this)

  • To confirm the swap, click on 'Save Changes'. This will notify the rota overseer(s) that a swap has been made and will update the rota accordingly.